Using Recess - CSS Hinter on Windows

Perhaps the best CSS hinter I've ever used , in reality it's the only one I have ever used . It open sourced a few years back and hardly ever got noticed .
A hinter basically is a piece of code that formats the ugly looking code keeping it tidy and consistent .
This post outlines the process of using Recess on a windows set up .
NOTE : You'll need to have Node.js installed.

After installing Node.js , search for cmd . And select the one which says Node.js command prompt . Get it?

Now recess is stored in a web Node Package archive known as the Node Package manager .
And the syntax for installing Node packages is

npm install -g [ package name ] 
So for installing recess we'll type

npm install -g recess

You'll see the comand prompt buzzing with a dozed of  http get requests , so if you have a slow internet connection sit back and relax .

After installing RECESS there are a couple of things that you can do with it , major ones being compiling
it,checking for errors , style sheet flow etc.


NOTE: All this is done within the Node.js command prompt

The general syntax is

 recess [ path ] --[options]

You can specify the following options

  •  noIDs - Don’t style IDs like #foo
  •  noJSPrefix - Don’t style .js- prefixed classnames
  •  noOverqualifying - Don’t overqualify your selectors, like
  •  noUnderscores - Don’t use underscores when naming classes, like .my_class
  •  noUniversalSelectors - Don’t use the universal selector, *
  •  zeroUnits - Don’t add the unit to a value of 0, like 0px
  •  strictPropertyOrder - Enforce a strict property order (order defined here)
  •  help - provides a quick cli cheatsheet
  •  compile - outputs your compiled source
  •  includePath - additional directory to look in for relative LESS imports (repeat for each additional directory)
  •  compress - outputs your compiled source, but minified
  •  watch - watch a directory and automatically compile a file when changes occur
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Saya berterima kasih untuk semua orang yang mengatakan tidak kepada saya. Itu karena mereka ingin saya melakukannya sendiri. [Source : Albert Einstein]