Exploiting iTunes Store App Purchase flow

The virtual credit cards are in heavy use these days , where the first time credit card users rank up high in majority who are reluctant to use it due to data theft . Well I was also one of them and first started using it with the hdfc bank . Which led on to the following exploit .
This vulnerabilty is due to the use of virtual credit cards , which Apple might not have considered much while documenting its's software .

For the dummies out there :

Virtual credit cards are short term credit cards that last for about 24 hours online , and after the time period the CC numbers become useless . Being much secure most of the banks worlwide provide this facility .

Now for exploiting this vulnerability  , you'll be needing a dummy Apple ID ( not your regular apple id ) , a virtual credit card ( having the least possible amount in it ~ $1 ).

According to iTunes App purchase flow , it does not debit money from your account unless , the application , movie or song has been downloaded completely .


Keep your dummy account and virtual credit card ready also note that after this hack you'll not be able to use this dummy account again , so again better not use your original account .
Sign in the itunes store with this dummy account.


For downloading multiple apps limit your download speed to the minimum , I suggest you keep it at about 50 kbps . After this , purchase your first application , now as it is paid it'll surely ask for your credit card unless you haven't entered it earlier .
Enter your credit card details , and shortly your download will begin .
Now as soon as it begins , pause your download and purchase another app , after it starts downloading pause it ( Don't worry you won't loose it ).
You can do this for all the other applications that you'd like to download .
Once your wishlist is complete , set your internet download speed to the maximum and start downloading all the apps one by one .
 ** Note this down , start the next download just before the former download completes ( This is an important step )**

So , now you officially have hundereds of paid iOS applications ( It does depend on your download speed) . If you are carrying out this process on a desktop , all your apps are saved onto your desktop . And if on an iPhone , be sure to sync it to your desktop in order to save your downloads .

After your dowloads completes , iTunes will display a message saying there is something wrong with your credit card . Just ignore it and sign off your apple id . And the next time you log in with this dummy apple it , you won't be able to use it . You'll keep on getting an error for your faulty credit card .

Ilustration by suka-strife.tumblr.com

What Apple can do to fix it

  • Allow downloading only a couple of paid apps at a time.
  • First check the credit limit of the credit card before serving ( This method at this time is highly complex) .
  • If connected to internet , check the viability of the applications installed .
This exploit seems to work on all virtual Stores ( not Amazon ) , that follow this App purchase flow . I think it might work on Google Play stores , I haven't tested it yet .
    Gadget News

    Saya berterima kasih untuk semua orang yang mengatakan tidak kepada saya. Itu karena mereka ingin saya melakukannya sendiri. [Source : Albert Einstein]